
I am Travor Oguna

A passionate computer science student at Kibo School. My fascination with technology and problem-solving started at a young age, and it has only grown stronger throughout my academic journey.

I have completed several programming courses and projects, including web development, and have worked with programming languages like python, javascript, c++ and zig.

My long-term career aspirations are to become a software engineer at a leading tech company, where I can contribute to building innovative products that make a positive impact on people's lives. In the meantime, I'm looking for opportunities to collaborate with like-minded individuals and gain practical experience in the field.

Travor Oguna

Some projects I have worked on

Bond programming language


bond language in vscode image

A general purpose strongly and dynamically typed language, written in c++23 designed to be easy to use, it is stack based and aims to replicate the dynamic nature of python

Blog Website

Python javascript Flask Sqlalchemy

bond language in vscode image

A web based blogging platform that leverages the power of markdown to make it easy to write blogs.

github link
Linkedin link
gmail link